Tuesday, June 17, 2008

note: Miggie was wondering about the photo below..Something seems to be amissed..No, no it is not Arsenio's hair, it is there!..Anyway I copy pasted his original posting on the Asingan Board that prompted me to reprint the photo below..Just to show the difference..Before and after...So what shampoo did you use, Archie?..Share us your secret to the men in the board who are losing their hair...:D


Manong Vic, impakitam met diay bokal kon... that was almost 2 years ago huh!pero icompare mo idiay latest picture ko kenni Ms French pim-moskolbassit, ha!ha!ha! intayo manen idiay Cambria attack mode idiay ayan ni ricky.

Yep, there is quite a difference...Vive le difference!!

Now that we got that settled, let us check some other business at hand..

Ben Hur Soloria, a kinfolk of Sonny Espejo , sent me this nice e-mail...

Thanks, bud.  This is fantastic!  19 Dixon Street garden's lush greenery, exciting colors, scintillating background music and the innocently teasing pose of Emma gave me a refreshing break from a mercilessly hot Southern USA summer day.


Flowers have magical powers of bringing peace. Looking at your flower story evokes a feeling of peace..I am certain that the first things  the first human being  
  admired were flowers..And since then flowers continue to inspire with its own unique way that can't be explained.

Of all flowers and plants, I love orchids for their simplicity and elegance and that even with unintentional neglect they would
grow and  bloom.

Thank you for the "PEACE" that your flower story brought to me.



The pleasure is all mine!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see these pictures again. Archie and the gang, c'mon over! Just remember to fill up before you get to Cambria, gas here starts at $5.19/gal! Bring your first born, you might need to leave him behind, heheh.