Sunday, June 8, 2008

one Saturday morning

A day at the Village of Humber seniors' home..

The Grand sign for the grand event..

The Grand Opening of the new multi-million $ wing of this facility took place yesterday, from 12:00 noon to whatever time it finished..

I agreed to be a volunteer to attend to the guests just to please Karen, the volunteer coordinator who seemed to be desperately in need of people to meet people. Around 500 guests were expected.

I told her I will bring Miguelita who is good in this kind of thing. She is in the Public Service and everyday, she deals with all kinds of people at her desk. A few of them are scum, but she knows how to hold her cool because as a Public Servant she must not react to such people, even if she feels like biting their heads off.

Well, the first thing we did after reaching the facility is to look for Karen. Some guests were already there. A volunteer was giving them the tour. AM740 Radio was already in the vicinity. I saw their van on the parking lot. I saw their broadcast equipment on the mezzanine and they were playing their oldies songs and in between music, they were describing how beautiful the joint it is. I mean, the place does not look like a hospital. It looks more like a 5 star hotel.

But it accomodates long term patients, people with limited mobility and retirees who do not like to handle the hassles of being a homeowner. So from 3 grand a month, they can have it all: nice rooms, excellent food, medical coverage, entertainment, spiritual care: what more could you ask?

We found Karen ( or was it the other way around ) and after telling us what to do,  she brought us to the room 1159. That is where the food for the volunteers are laid out on a table, with drinks, plastic plates, etc. Far out, I said silently. A few of them were already there, helping themselves...

After eating all volunteers filed out to attend to their assigned duties. Miguelita and I  were to fill up the cups of the guests with wine.

To cut to the chase, when the guests started to file in by droves all hell broke loose.. Volunteers original duties were rescinded. I found myself standing there like an idiot with nothing to do. Miguelita on the other hand, flitted around the guests like a butterfly: chatting with them, giving them drinks, directing them to the food tables, giving extra attention to our neighbours ( remember  the Facility is just in our area ). So I took out my camera, took some shots. I also removed my name tag. From a volunteer to a guest in a few seconds. Anyway, I already had a full meal and nobody missed anybody when the chips are already down and the joint started to look like the Asingan market place..

 I was not really cut for this kind of thing. If I serve drinks, the chances are I might spill it on the guest's dress or something. If I transport dishes, I might slip on a banana peel...

After saying bye-bye to Miggie and giving her asthma puffer ( which I had in my pocket ) I quietly went out of the EXIT door.

There was a Garage Sale which I saw on our way to the Senior's Home. I was hoping that it was still open.---#


If your eyes are good, you could read the line that says:

"Entertainment by Peter Appleyard.." Check his name on your Google.

Miggie and a new found friend, Elizabeth. She is one of the regular ( weekly ) volunteers in the facility.


The other new friend is a Polish lady, very chatty. She has lots of funny stories to tell....

The white haired Peter Appleyard still dazzling in his xylophone techniques playing with his music group.


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