Thursday, July 24, 2008

Asingan market scenes

to market, to market we go....

photos by Marcie Uson Wise

captions by Vic Costes

the arch of triumph in Asingan...


Look at those apples, piled neatly on several rows...


do not forget the green leafy vegetables..good fpr your health, or for your pet rabbit's..:)


to buy or not to buy?


so many choices...


nothing like an old fashioned market day..but no grocery

carts to use...


Yesss..we have lots of


I'll take those, and those and those....


Hawaian..or Asingan pineapples?


The price is about 25 cents ( 10 pesos converted to $$ )..that's dirt cheap!


Fresh goodies like these are found only in here!


( more photos next time)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Asingan market made a big change,a vast and different one that I myself who grew up on the other side-Bantog/Ariston/Sta.Ana tricycle station cant distinguished or make a concept as to where I am.Just by looking at all those fruits with their wrappings and the like;before they just spread a  plastic sheets or a sako and just let those fruits roll will be enough for those tinderas to sell and pay the market ticket.(.20 cents)Now there's an apple with paper on top of each other and carefully stack together while the singkamas was already sliced with salt added.Non of those during  the times I was there.
Homesickness is my best enemy as I am looking on those pictures from Marcie...