January 3...
A steady snowfall with some winds arrived just this morning. But good weather or bad, I have to take out Sparky for his regular routine in our backyard...Otherwise, we would be listening to his whining, barking and yelping the whole day..
Missed church too, and the last time to sing Carols during the service. Anyhow, there are 11 months more to go before going to the same round again..
Yesterday Jan. 2, Miggie worked the first time for the year 2010. Me? I went to the Mall ( what else is new?) to check what they got.. The box sets of DVDs went down real low, like they seem to be clearing space in their warehouse..I picked up just 1 item: a box set of Jane Austen novels dramatized for BBC..The set includes EMMA, NORTHANGER ABBEY, PRIDE AND PREDJUDICE, SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, PERSUASION,etc. Price is too low to pass by, one almost had it but I beat her just for a few seconds..Even the HMV cashier when she punched in the sales receipts said to a fellow worker.."I did not know we are carrying the whole set.I love the novels...And such a good price."
At the same store last Dec. 31, I bought another set of R&H Musicals: South Pacific, Sound of Music, The King and I ( plus 3 more ) at the price of 49 $ Can. with a 40% discount on top of it. So many cheap movies to buy, so little money left in the bank account..:)
Last January 1 was a very quiet day, as quiet as the night before. We watched the ceremonies in New York Times Square, and every now and then we flicked the remote to show the equivalent here in Toronto. There was a less crowd, but with the same enthusiasm while waiting for the changing of the year at the Nathan Philips Square. The boisterous crowd consisted mostly of YPs ( young people ) who has still the drive and vitality to intermingle with the other revelers.
Us?..Not anymore!..Heck, they do not even sell firecrackers here in Toronto. Nothing like the New Year in old Asingan...
Yes, New Years in the old country! Firecrackers flying everywhere... The last time I was in the Phil. for New Years was 2006! I'm due for another one:):):)
I'm glad you and Manang Mig had a nice, quiet celebration. Sometimes that's all we need.
Last Christmas was also a challenge. Sonny and I went to Bataan for his parents' 50th WA, but I had to come back the day after to be with Jessica for Christmas. It was either to be with hubby or with my baby. I think Sonny has forgiven me already:)
New Years was also a very quiet affair. We were all asleep, slept through the whole thing, hehehe. I guess I'll be asleep for most of 2010.
Here's to a wonderful 2010!!!
Hi Ricky,
Lucky you for being able to spend another old fashioned Christmas back home...Peace and quiet is now getting to be a necessity for us, but we still have a few a few hectic activities that involve working with Seniors..
I miss the noise makers really..We started exploding them as early as December. The fireworks factory back home must be raking in the dough..Then we have the bung-bung; a cannon like contraption which feeds on Calcium Carbide ( Carburo ) dripped with a little water...
I want to do it in my backyard..but I do not want the RCMP to pay me a visit....
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