Once in a while, I come across some books printed in the Phillipines.One is called PATAWANG PINOY( Philippine Humour ).
It is a paper back with a colored glossy cover. The book has the size of a Reader's Digest.
Most jokes are not really new anymore, for example the opening anecdote. It has gone around the world a few number of times and now it has been picked up by the editor of this pulp magazine. It tells about the story of a Filipina mother who died in the US, then the family in the US decided to send the corpse back to the Phil to be buried there.
The coffin was packed with US goods, perfume and what-nots just like a door to door box. Funny?. Maybe, to some. But I could not compare to the jokes of Jay Leno or David Letterman.
Next on the batch are the Estrada jokes..Some are old, some are new, some are funny, some are, mmm. now what could be a word that ryhmes with new and means not funny?
Here two samples of that genre. If he left a legacy, I guess the foremost would be these jokes which, even if it is repeated a gazillion times, are still funny depending on who is telling the joke and how he is telling it..There are quite a number of good story tellers in Asingan..
Okay, two ERAP jokes..
REPORTER: What do you think about sex in the movies?
PRESIDENT: I am totally against it.
PRESIDENT: Why in the movies?..There are so many motels in Manila!
Then there is this section entitled COMELEC and ERAP. I guess they are testing the his IQ or something..
COMELEC: Let us talk about Phil. History. Where was Dr. Jose Rizal shot? Starts with "B" ( Bagumbayan )
ERAP: On his Back!
COMELEC:No, no! OK, it has a new name now.Starts with an "L". ( Luneta )
ERAP: Sa Likod!
COMELEC:Wrong again..Okay, it is a nice place neat Manila Bay, with RP as initials RP..
ERAP:I know now! Rear Part!
My copy has 120 pages. On the last page, the words THE END were marked with an inked stamp pad. Obviously the printer forgot to insert the two ending words, and one they have to use the stamp pad instead of setting up the document on the computer again.
This to me is the funniest joke of all..
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