Boppy, looking comfy in Sparky's warm bed..:)
Sparky, holding on to his temper, counting from 1 to 10...
Boppy climbing up Sparky's bed. He does not want Sparky to use it!
Sparky as if telling me : I want my bed back!
Boppy, enjoying his son's warm couch..
When Michelle, my daughter ( Emma's Mom ) went to Quebec yesterday ( Friday ) she asked me if I could take care of her dog for a few days. I said YES. Anyway her dog, named Boppy is the daddy of my dog Sparky. But since they did not spend much time together while growing up( thus no bonding ) they have this kind of unique Father-Son relationship. Something similar to Luks Skywalker and Darth Vader from STAR WARS.
Before Sparky was born, Boppy have stayed in our house several times. He is a small dog, a Pekingese and he has such soulful eyes that one look at them and you feel so good ( or so remorseful ). If you are having your meal and he has not eaten yet, your conscience starts eating you. But otherwise, you feel so happy to have such a cute friend around. We wanted later to have our own pet something that resembles Boppy.
As I have said, one time Michelle left Boppy to a good Filipina neighbour named Emma. She has also a poodle. The dog was in heat at that time I guess. To cut to the chase, the Poodle soon had a litter of puppies, thanks to Boppy. The puppies were all so cute. Emma asked Michelle if she likes to have one or two so she could dispose of the puppies which sometimes is not an easy thing to do. Michelle said "No Problem.." Anyway, it was Michelle's dog which sired them.. Thus, she selected a pup that resembles Boppy very closely. That pup became Sparky.
This is not the first time that Sparky and Boppy stayed under one roof. As before, they started barking at each other the first time they laid eyes on each other..
Sparky seems to say "What are you doing here??..THis is MY house, my space!!!"
Boppy would snarl back as if to say: "I have stayed here long before you! So this is also my HOUSE!!"
So arf-arf, bark-bark until my ears got tired and I screamed at both of them to shut up. Both did and they would retreat to opposite corners of the kitchesn.
When we go to the yard ( I bring out Sparky inspite of the weather anyway he has a thick coat of fur ) Sparky would go out first, visit his marking spot which is a huge flower vase, smell it, then mark it.
Boppy would visit it next. That WAS HIS MARKING SPOT before. Now he smells Sparky's mark and he would go to another part of the yard raise his leg and get over with it.
Sparky loves to run around around the yard like a racing dog. He takes off like a greased lightning and he could do several laps. Then he would make a stop in front of Boppy ( who is just watching ) barks at him as if to say "Why don't you run, you old fart! Look at me!"
Then Sparky would make a couple mroe laps. When he gets tired, he sits on a snow pile and eats some of it to slake his thirst!----#
to be continued...:)