Monday, July 21, 2008

from Marcie

Marcie with GMA in an undated photo
Hi Manong Vic,
Thank you  for sharing your video of your garden.  Very impressive and beautiful.  Tell Manang congratulations.  She really works hard and the hard work pays .   I wish I could come and see in person and enjoy.  Someday I will.
Manong I saw the video clip of Pilita Corales and I saw myself with Aguino in the end.  It was really nice of you to include me.  thank you. 
Adam and I are going to Hawaii this thursday for two weeks.  My sister Mary is having a high school graduation celebration for her oldest son so we are going to attend. 
I will send some photos I took in domakit/domanpot when they are harvesting the rice.  I just saw some of my pictures i took during my vacation again today because I'm making a CD for my Mom to take in Hawaii and I saw some good one that you can publish.    I will be just a reader on the AMB and please keep posting.  I don't look everyday but I read them when I get a chance.
Good luck and enjoy your garden.
Thank you for your compliments, Marcie. The photos on harvesting rice would be a great boon. I could use it as photos for the music PLANTING RICE which is one of the classic Filipino music in our culture.
Yes, you are always welcome to Toronto anytime!  You can stay in 19 Dixon, enjoy the garden ( there is also the backyard ) plus the other tourist spots in the city.
Being interviewed by the judges put Miguelita in Cloud 9, because it means her garden has already a spot.  She was interviewed in our backyard to be far away from the traffic noise. The cameraman/videographer works for THE GUARDIAN  a weekly Community paper of Etobicoke, Toronto.
Have a nice trip to Hawaii. Remember us to the Asinganians residing there. I heard Cornelia Soberano a one time lawyer here in Toronto has now a house in Maui and she is married to a Doctor in Psychology. She was also one of my students at the Rizal Academy a long time ago.
Take care and Aloha!

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